Allow Me to Introduce Myself

    My name is Katherine Humes. I am 30 years old. I am originally from Detroit, Mi. I currently live in Fort Polk, LA. I am married with two daughters. My hobbies include drawing, painting, working out, listening to music, traveling, and spending time with my family. I love to express my thoughts and feelings through art. I am an introverted person, but when I paint something this is my way of opening up my world to others.

Life in Art
    I have a love hate relationship with art. I love to paint and draw, but I have two downfalls in my art. My two downfalls are that I am a perfectionist and I have carpal tunnel in my left hand (my dominant hand). My perfectionism comes into play when I paint something and I can see the flaws, so I over work the painting until it is exactly how I envisioned it to look. My weakness is drawing facial features like eyes and noses, however I love to contour, shade, and highlight bone structures of the face. I love to recreate images that I envision in my head. When I paint or draw, I feel a sense of freedom that allows all my feelings to be seen as a visual representation. I am drawn most to abstract, color pop, and figures. My favorite mediums to use are acrylic and oil paint on canvases. 

    Art allows me to interpret my own meaning of what I see. I can appreciate a piece of art through the details whether it be small, extravagant, the use of brush strokes or the use of color. Art is the perfect way to express messages, tell a story, or show emotions. I love going to art museums. I own quite a bit of art in my home, most of the pieces are art that I have painted myself.

This an art piece that I created in 2020 of Grace Jones called Gilded Grace.

Below is a link to art content ranging from terms, medium, genre and artists:


  1. I hear you on perfectionism. That's a tough one . Wonderful painting. Your are the 4th student in a row in my grading adventures that has included their personal work. It is going to be a fantastic semester.

  2. That piece of work looks amazing and I can only imagine how hard it must be to constantly be making corrections on your paintings.


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